Monday, February 11, 2013

Rider Spotlight: Katlyn Greiner

Photo By: Becca Alder at B Photography

Name:  Katlyn Greiner

Age:  22

Hometown:  Los Angeles

Major:  Art History

IHSA Division:  Advanced

How did you become interested in joining the team?  Ive been riding since i could walk (doing english) decided it was time to change it up a little bit and joined the western team

What is your favorite thing about being on the team?  Getting to ride even tho im away at school

What is one thing that Bob always tells you during practice?  YOUR NOT RIDING HUNT SEAT!!!!!! lol

What do you hope to accomplish this year?  make it to semi-nationals in the novice division

Fun fact about yourself...   I LOVE macaroni and cheese (the shapes) and i have a wiener dog named rocky