Thursday, October 25, 2012

First show of the 2012-2013 season!

Last weekend was our very first show of the season.  We were greeted the morning of the show with a light rain and some cloud cover, but it did not stop us from riding. This year we decided to bring a pop up tend and it ended up being a wise decision

The team ended up doing well bringing home 3 Reserve High Point Team ribbons.  Heidi, our open division rider, brought home 2 Reserve High Point rider ribbons.  We also had Kelsey and Danielle point out of their division and qualify to compete at Regionals!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Rider Spotlight: Madison West

Name: Madison West

Age: 19

Hometown: Tucson

Major: Theatre/History

IHSA Division: Intermediate

How did you become interested in joining the team? I’ve been riding horses for eight years, and figured I might as well try my hand at competitions.

What is your favorite thing about being on the team? The people. They’re all awesome.

What is one thing that Bob always tells you during practice? Sit up straight!

What do you hope to accomplish this year? Get more than five points!

Fun fact about yourself… Jim Carrey is my spirit animal.