Friday, April 6, 2012

Western Show 10/29/2011

What a great show season it has been!  I thought it would be nice to put up some pictures of our very first show.  It was interesting because most of us didn't know what to expect but we got through it and we did very well.

 Alexa Magee
 Heidi Helton
 Krista McNaughton
 Becca Simpson
 Katie Greiner
 Ashley Schmit and Danielle Alder
 Madison West
 Heidi Helton, Danielle Alder, Krista McNaughton, Molly Steahly
 Danielle Alder and Molly Steahly
 Molly Steahly
 Danielle Alder
 Pattern Line up!
 Krista McNaughton, Heidi Helton, Ashley Schmit, Molly Steahly, Kaitlyn Loewenstein
 Madison West, Danielle Alder, Molly Steahly, Kaitlyn Leowenstine
 Kaitlyn Leowenstein, Molly Steahly, Danielle Alder, Madison West
 Ashley Schmit
 Kaitlyn Leowenstein

Sunday, April 1, 2012

A Beautiful Reminder of the Human and Horse Connection

In past posts I have mentioned that we work with organizations here in Arizona such as the Luv Shack Ranch (which I believe changed their name but I am not sure what the new name is) and the Arabian Horse Association of Arizona.  Our coach Bob, has taken in some of the rescue horses and let us help to get them ready for adoption.  Through this process I have been reminded just how strong the connection can be between a horse and a human.

In years past, I have volunteered at therapeutic riding centers and have seen the impact that horses can have on children with disabilities.  Today I was looking at the Ride For Joy facebook page, they are a therapeutic riding center in Boise Idaho, and came across a video that made me cry.  If you watch this video, you will see what I am talking about.